
Showing posts from August, 2019

How to Make your Hotel Space a Money Minting Machine

“How do I increase my revenue?” This is the most common question that crosses every hotelier’s mind on a daily basis.  Do you know that your hotel space can be used for multiple events and give you returns you never thought of? Whether it is through a conference or an open-air wedding party, there are a multitude of ways to earn ancillary revenue. When you use your hotel space to host such events, you’re attracting the attendees, not only to attend the event but to also enjoy the sumptuous spread you’ve put up for them. That way you can double up your revenue. Here’s a list of business ideas, you can use to make your hotel space a money minting machine. Concert Concerts are crowd pullers. Plan and host a concert in your hotel. Before you start planning, create an event checklist of everything you’ll need to organize a concert. The venue is pre-decided, you simply need to finalize your budgets, date and the artist you think will drive attendees to your hotel. Read our blog – how

9 Unique Christmas Party Ideas to Celebrate like an Aussie

Koalas, Kangaroos and Masterchef are some of the things that come to our mind when we think of Australia. But that’s not all it’s famous for. Be it Sydney’s New Year’s Eve or Christmas celebration in the summer, Australia is one of the most fun countries to be in during these times. While most Aussies believe in enjoying Christmas with a crate of beer and some great food, here are 9 unique Christmas party ideas you should consider this Christmas. Christmas Ball Who doesn’t love dancing? Host a great Christmas ball with either live music band or a DJ for your community. It can be a masquerade party or a simple get together with some great music, beers and a few food trucks for some palatable food. While some jive and roll to music beats and the Christmas hits, some can simply relax, enjoy the music and the traditional lamb shoulder roast. Christmas Party Games Whether it is a large family or a group of friends, Christmas party games are a great way to have fun togethe